Mar 4, 2018

Power Animal

Hi. Everyone.

Being a Certified practitioner, there are two other people who are shamanic practitioners.

They held a mini-class the other day.

The title was " Meeting your Power Animal."

Power Animal is your guide in animal form.

A Guided meditation will take you to see your Power Animal.

When I got to the forest, I looked up, and I saw on top of the trees there were birds flying in circles, I also heard the sharp sound of a hawk.

I kept on going, I imagined everything following the guided meditation. After going through a tunnel, finally, I'm supposed to meet my Power Animal. The guided meditation told me that the ground is sand. So, I imagined the sand.

But for some reason, I thought why sand after going through the tunnel? I was just looking at the sand, then I saw a tiny turtle.

What? This tiny turtle is my Power Animal? While I was questioning myself, I heard a monkey in the background.

What??? Is my Power Animal this little turtle or monkey? I really didn't know what to believe.

Then suddenly,

The sky opened wide, it looked like a tear, and inside of the tear was black, something came out from there with extreme speed and very strong sound, then it landed on my right arm.

It was a hawk with big yellow foot and beak.

He is almost saying that no, I'm your Power Animal,

Next, I asked what's the message.

It wasn't like a conversation.

I felt the grace, dignified strength, confidence, speed.

I knew that when I'm not sure about things, he will guide me to the right path. Adding more, his kindness wasn't touchy-feely, it was even strict. He cut the BS to say and act a straight type of guy.

On the way back through the tunnel, he was on my right shoulder.

I was quite surprised that I could actually meet my Power Animal, but also kind of knew it was a hawk.

A few years ago, a hawk showed up where I feed birds.

This is the picture that I took.

If you read books or look on the internet you can find all sorts of meaning of the Power Animal, but the most important thing is that what you felt when you saw your Power Animal.

By the way, the person who read guided meditation's Power Animal is half human and half animal.

The teacher's Power Animal was a rabbit, in the beginning, then she finds the zipper on the rabbit, then camel came out of the rabbit.

What is your Power Animal?

Love and Peace


#learning #guidedmeditation #hawk #animalcommunicator #intuition #confidence #grace #speed #strength
