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Soul Level Animal Communication®
Session - overview of the reading

I offer these sessions.

  • Soul Level Animal Communication® 30 min ($80)

  • Soul Level Animal Communication® 45 min ($110)

  • Past Life Reading 30 min ($80)

  • Intuitive Reading 30 min ($80)

  • Card Reading 45 min ($110)

  • Usui Reiki Distant Healing 30 min ($80)

Overview of the reading


***To confirm your intention, I ask your payment to be in advance.

(If you have trouble making payments, please send me an e-mail. I'll send you an invoice.)

After I receive notice that you have made your payment, I will send you an email so that we can set up a mutually convenient appointment.


The session is audio-only.

We can use Zoom, Phone, Facebook, or Skype.

I prefer to use Zoom so that we can record our session.

(You don't have to have an account with the zoom, I will send you a link, so when the time comes please just click the link.)

The only thing that I ask is the client that I'm talking to would be alone in the room. Sometimes, your spouse or significant other is listening in on the session, the energy will merge in together, so that it's difficult for me to focus which one that I'm reading.


Soul Level Animal Communication®

• 30 Min session

First I connect with only one of your animals (living or passed), then I ask your animal about you.

 Answering one or two of your questions to your animal, then the time comes up.

So, if you have more questions, I suggest 45 min session.

If you don't have any particular questions, I have some questions to ask, so you don't have to worry about it.


• 45 Min session

Because time is longer, this will be a deeper reading. If you have 2 animals to read, I can focus on one animal first, then I can read the second animal with the time permitting. (If you have many questions to ask, there wouldn't be much time left for the second one.)


*** The animal doesn't have to be there with you at the time of the reading,

     I will connect with the animal intuitively.

     I don't need any pictures or detailed information sent beforehand.

*** I can connect with both the living and crossed over animal.

*** I don't accept a lost animal case.

*** Please see your veterinarian for any medical advice.


Past Life Reading

The beginning of this session is like listening to the story unfolding. I will describe what I've shown, you can ask questions if you have. I will be your conduit between the present and past of you. You will resonate in soul level and have a deep understanding of yourself.

Intuitive Reading

I will connect your energy first to see how you are at this moment, then connect with your team of guides to communicate what they are trying to tell you, and receive insights and deeper understanding.


Card Reading

I use Tarot, Oracle cards and Lenormand cards for this reading. The card will tell you the possible outcome but you are the one to decide what to do based on the information that you gain.

Distant Reiki Healing

I will connect via Zoom (audio-only).  First, I'll scan your body and let you know what I see and feel. After that, I'll begin sending Reiki energy where it's needed.



Payment is through PayPal however, if you don't have a PayPal account you can pay with your credit cards.

After I received your payment, I will send you an e-mail.

*** Payments can be e-transfer within Canada.

*** If you need to re-schedule, please let me know as soon as possible or

     at least 24-hours prior to your scheduled appointment.


*** When you book a session, you are also signing up for my newsletter.

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