Have you ever wondered what your animal is thinking about?
They know about you more than you think.
Animals are teachers.
In fact, You and your animal made an agreement
before you were born
to learn how to love myself, how worthy I am, etc.
It doesn't matter if the animal has a physical body or not.
They are still working with you.
And this lesson is always full of love, to help us grow.
You will be amazed once you know how or what an animal is teaching you. Then you will have a different perspective and
your relationship with your animal will become deeper,
as a result, you will find a better version of you.
I would like to give you the knowledge and wisdom
that an animal kingdom has to offer.
This is a sample of my reading. Although no two sessions are the same, you can see how it works.

I am a Certified
Soul Level Animal Communicator®
through the Danielle MacKinnon
School of Animal Communication
Origin of the name *Golden Fairy 444*

I used to make little animal keychains with beads.
The thought of “making a lion” popped up in my mind for 3 days.
Finally, I started to make a lion. I was having so much fun.
Then suddenly, the golden light showed up.
It was the size of a golf ball as if it was breathing,
the size of the light becomes a little bit bigger and smaller.
It was just like a butterfly, moving from right to left.
I was so surprised and frozen,
it came around my tummy and disappeared.
Fairies and animal kingdom are very close to each other.
I started to see number 4 everywhere, and one day I saw an angel.
My story is in Doreen Virtue's book, "Archangels 101".
444 is an angel number.
This name is perfect for my animal communication with
the blessings of the fairy realm and angels.
The Secret Life Of Pets Revealed!
I had the opportunity to be interviewed by DeliveryRank about
Soul level animal communication®.
I had the opportunity to be interviewed by Yasmin Cunha the founder of MediumFinder about Soul level animal communication®.
I had the opportunity to be interviewed by MysticMag
about Soul level animal communication®.
HMPF Vendor Spotlight
I was interviewed by Carly the founder of HMPF to talk about Soul Level Animal Communication®.
I was interviewed by John Craig about my life and Soul level animal communication®.
It’s podcast, so it is audio only.
He wrote the contents in English but audio is all in Japanese.
John Craig (Echan Deravy) - Real Rover
I was born and raised in Japan. When I came to visit a small town in Canada,
I fell in love with the magnificent beauty of nature.
Now I live happily with my husband and our new addition to the family a kitty named "Cocoa"
Coming to this country with one suitcase by myself, because I couldn’t speak English that well,
I got frustrated that I couldn’t tell what I wanted to say and
I was mad at myself not to be able to understand what others were telling me.
One day, I felt so lonely and sorry for myself, I was crying in the dark closet.
Then I realized my angels and guides who are lovingly surrounding me.
I was not alone and I knew how much I am loved from those beings.
Then I learned that my soul came here on Earth as a volunteer to help Earth within.
I came here to love.
While I’m learning “satori” (enlightenment), I met Animal Communication.
The soul choose which theme to learn.
Animals are the teachers who help humans to learn that lesson.
Once you know the soul lesson through Animal Communication,
the relationship with your animal changes because you have a different perspective.
I was told that my reading style is like an "Emotional Bonsai"
I take good care with love for you and your animal so that
you know you are safe and protected to learn the core lesson from your animal
I would like to give you the knowledge and wisdom that an animal kingdom has to offer.
MY SERVICES (Please refer session page)
Soul Level Animal Communication®
By Phone, Zoom or Skype reading(audio only)
1 animal with 1 question
30 Min $80 (CAD)
45 Min $110 (CAD)

Whether living or passed, I will connect intuitively
and tell you what animal told me
e.g. What lesson you are working with your pet.
I will ask the question if you have one
but know that it is not necessarily
what they will answer to your question.
*** I don't accept a lost animal case.
*** Please see your veterinarian for any medical advice.

Past Life Reading
zoom (audio only) reading
30 Min $80 (CAD)

Past life readings will give you insight and help make sense of your present time experiences and beliefs.
Knowing your past life will bring healing and transformation so that you feel a great sense of comfort and understanding.
Intuitive Reading
zoom (audio only) reading
30 Min $80 (CAD)

My intuitive readings are here to help you connect with your team of guides. Let's uncover what your guides are trying to communicate and gain a deeper understanding of how to navigate your life's journey.

Card Reading
zoom reading
45 min $110 (CAD)

Would you like to know a deeper understanding of
what spirit is wanting to communicate to you?
or do you have a question about your love life?
I use Tarot and Oracle cards to give you an insight.
But know that you have the power
to choose which path you take.
Distant Reiki Healing
30 min $80 (CAD)

Reiki is a spiritual, vibrational healing practice
used to promote balance throughout the human system.
It works with the subtle vibrational field
thought to surround and penetrate the body.
It reduces stress and brings relaxation,
that also promotes healing.

***Payments can be e-transfer within Canada.
***Payment is through Paypal however, a Paypal account is not needed, accept credit cards.
***For more information about the reading please read.
***All funds are Canadian dollars.
***All times noted are in Pacific Standard Time.
Please place your preferences by means of Pacific Standard Time.
*** When you book a session, you are also signing up for my newsletter.
actually... this is super helpful!
I was wondering about Bach flower remedies while I was asking that question? She must be telling us this! Thank you so much!
Yes she has a lot of tension in her neck and shoulders as this was where she got attacked and she has had a cone on for about 2 weeks now and she’s really not happy about it. It’s almost ready to come off but there is one deeper wound that need to heal. Thank you so much for this!!
We really appreciate all that you do!
Also after our conversation and you talking so much about our hearts... I thought you’d think it was cute to see her white patch on her heart! I thought it looked like an letter ‘B’ and one of my intuitive friends who was Ripley’s best friend saw a little Unicorn head!!!! 🦄 so cute!
Thank you infinitely!
ー B.F. ー

Thank you for facilitating my connection with Pablo. It gave me new strength to move forward knowing he is okay and happy and cared for. I have less worry about him. He was my absolute world which seemed to have stopped since losing him with guilt, anger and deep sadness. I missed him very much and find comfort in knowing he is around and very much loved.
ー R.V. ー
After the reading, I was curious why you said that Archer showed you repeatedly that he was touching his face. So, I checked his mouth and I found, what looks like, another cancerous growth. We didn't know about this growth as you can't see it from the outside. This is extremely helpful to know. I also appreciate the things you said that Archer is here to teach me. These themes are very present for me right now and maybe this is why he knows he can leave now. Thank you so much. It has been a very insightful reading.
And, I think, at the beginning when things didn't quite make sense, maybe some of our other pets jumped in as we have two dogs and four cats right now. One of them sounded like our other dog Sheldon, and the white long fur could have been our cat Quince. Who knows.
Thank you again.
ー C.F. ー

So glad I was able to cross path and meet Keiko. I was cautious about having a reading but felt safe in Keiko’s presence. Her gift provided invaluable insights to my pet, Pepper, and things about myself. She gave practical advices to better help with Pepper. Very grateful for her work.
ー Q.P. ー
My favourite thing about the reading was being able to gain some reassurance and peace through connecting with him. What surprised me were the images you got from him- certain situations mentioned were very accurate and weighed heavily on my heart after his passing, but I feel assured in knowing he’s watching over me!
ー M.J. ー

I found Keiko by asking Danielle on a YouTube video if she does any more readings. She said she did not but directed me to a directory of people that have studied under her. I picked Keiko because her testimonials were unbelievable and it's no wonder! She knew things that only my deceased dog Zac would know. She knew the games we used to play. She knew that I watch too much news LOL. He revealed a lot to her! My mind is blown and I can't wait to book another session with Keiko! Everything she said was spot on! Thank you Keiko for sharing in our connection. Peace and light to you.
ー J.F. ー

You said Mischa is still around and watches over me and he does! He’s turned on my ipad several times and played the relaxing piano music I played for him at night. You described him accurately though you didn’t know beforehand what a cockatiel looks like.
I never knew he liked it when I brought him to my chest to pet him; I thought he didn’t care. And you were able to connect with my other cockatiel, Tweety, who passed away 25 years ago. I am happy they are together and best of all, I was overwhelmed when you described them spreading their wings around me to console me. You were so attuned to them and I will try to do what Mischa advised me to do—“let go” which is a very hard lesson for me to do. I will always appreciate the warmth you showed towards us during the reading.
ー L.A. ー

It was great Keiko! A reminder of a lot of things I've learned or heard, at this time when a lot going on in my life.
On her angel date today, the light bulb in the bathroom came on blinking every time I turned it on, it was so fun! I said " Hello Yuki!" when I first saw it. It matched you said that Yuki wants me to have more fun in life.
Also, when I drove today, Yuki sent me the first song she sent me" I just died in your arm", as always.
Oh, you were spot on, on "her smiles, appearance, and her personality".
Thank you again for confirming our never ending connection.💞
ー T.G. ー



After my last fascinating "past life reading" with Keiko, I booked "Soul level animal communication" for my Silver's birthday.
Keiko captured the essence(and her moves!)of my Silver, the one I am so familiar with and love. It swept away my sorrow and tears as the reading went on.You know you are in good hands when that happens.
It was another beautiful, heart-felt reading! It danced like the Northern Light and it flew like the Cherry blossom.
We only had 5 minutes left with my current kitten Rain. Keiko got to the key characters of him right away, plus the purpose he is here for.
Everything was so on point!
Reading with my animals always lifts my soul. Surprisingly, not only do I love them more, I further get to know myself, and I just love a little more. 💕🐶🐱
ー T.G. ー
What was my favorite thing about reading?
Everything!! The location was spot on!!
I always knew something about my past, you just further confirmed it.
When you mentioned the clothing I was wearing, walking alone, looking around, and the heat, the location, what did I do, ....I knew thats me!!
It felt familiar, even how I felt about people and lessons I‘ve learned.
I especially enjoyed questions we get to ask me from the past.
It is overall an enchanting and fascinating experience.
I have told my friends and family!!
What you said brought me a lot of comfort. Even though I have learned about the soul contracts with animals, it still hurts to be apart from my sweet boy. I will try to work on what you told me and not disappoint Vincent’s effort.
I loved my session with Keiko! I felt instantly better during session as she used her skills to make contact with my most beloved kitty ever. I was experiencing so much grief and being able to learn more about my kitty and the life we shared together was so comforting.
Keiko has a gentle style and I felt her care for both my kitty and myself as she created a safe container to make contact.
ー L.C. ー

My Favourite part of the session was literally experiencing what Ripley sees and feels about me, both physically and energetically, from her perspective. It was nice to confirm things I have wondered about, such as what I thought her personality was like and what some of her thoughts are. Learning the new information about why she is in my life was the most fulfilling part, for both of us.
ー B.F. ー
When my cat Sharkie died last year, I needed to get a message to him as soon as I could. Keiko was able to connect with him and let me get what I needed to say through to him.
After that experience, I wished that I had communicated to him while he was alive. So now that I've got a new cat(Loui),
I wanted to understand about certain behaviors that he was exhibiting. She was able to connect with him and communicate back to me Loui's view of what was happening. I can say that as soon as I had a clearer understanding of what my cat was doing, our relationship improved immediately. I now think that I'll have to do sessions with her more regularly, as I love the understanding that results between my cat and I. Keiko's ability of connection with animals is extraordinary, I'm truly glad that I reached out to her. Thank-you Keiko!
ー C.M. ー


I'm so happy I decided to contact Keiko...after her reading
I started to feel a bit better about my boy passing...although I'm still torn...but I know my boy is with me. She mentioned a few things about me that she would not have known...and the one thing that actually shocked me was the fact that stewie told her to trust my gut...and I always have gut intuitions about certain things and my boy witnessed a bunch of times when he knew I was upset. I honestly do believe that she had contact with my boy and this is what I NEEDED!!!!
ー C.H. ー
I just had my Tarot cards read by Keiko Watt on line.
She made it comfortable and fun, explaining everything clearly and thoroughly,
and I feel she was on the mark!
ー D.T. ー
Keiko Watt was very very helpful to me - and to my cat Nate. He and his brother, older cats, were thrown off by my constant Covid time at home. Keiko's insight into Nate was particularly astute and completely changed our relationship. She was able to describe what disturbed him, and what he wanted from me. When I worked to give him that he settled in. And when he settled his brother settled. As I write Nate is perched as he always is these days, two feet away.
Here's another thing: early in the session Keiko spoke of an image from Nate that something disturbing, of a floating luminous teardrop. It meant nothing to me but some days later I was suddenly struck that it was my new entry light! A cat angle view. Thank you Keiko.
ー A.C. ー
My reading was so insightful and more therapeutic than I could imagine. It helped me understand the passing of my dog, Luke, and it was the closure I needed. Keiko is truly gifted and intuitive with connecting with not only people, but animals as well.
ー J.C. ー

Thank you again for a wonderful session today. You really helped bring some peace and closure to my heart after losing "A" in the physical. I am reading now about the Japanese Goddess, it looks like she is represented by the Wolf – which is interesting as "A" was always mistaken for a white wolf, and I always felt she was the “wise woman/wolf archetype.” I truly appreciate your time today, you have a remarkable gift and beautiful energy!
ー M.R. ー
Keiko has given me an unforgettable experience to connect with my little baby Gucci. I felt an unimaginable peace and love and warming energy after our session. Knowing that Gucci is ok and is leading my way from the other side made me feel so much better and at peace. I'm so happy knowing he is always by my side. I love him so much and want to remind him this every minute of every day till we meet again. Thank you so much Keiko.
ー K.S. ー

Thank you so very much for your reading. It helped so much to know how Müfasa fit into my life and to hear how he has been working towards my highest self this entire time. Before the reading, my grief was disabling. Since then, I have been able to move towards gradually. Also, I had so much indecision about what to do with his remains, and through you, he was able to make it clear that cremation was the best way to honour his mission on this earth.
Doumo arigatou gozaimashita, Keikosan
ー B. H. ー
My reading with Keiko was beautiful! I could feel her energy as soon as I sat to do the reading. Two of my recently deceased doggies came thru and their personalities were spot on! Everything she said applied to me and my husband, our relationship with our furbabies and how it has affected each of us. I am forever grateful for her to be able to do this for us and share her ability to communicate with our beloved fur babies.💕 Thank you Keiko for this experience!
ー M. A. ー

It was very special to connect with my kitties Levon and Lola through my session with Keiko. They have been struggling for a few months with stress and over-grooming, and I didn’t know what to do to help them. My session with Keiko helped me to understand what they need from me, and I have gained new tools to connect with them on a deeper level.
ー N. P. ー
"My pet reading with Keiko was a great experience, she was loving, funny and truly captured all that I needed to know about my sweet, joyful dog Kingsley. I enjoyed every minute of it and I cannot wait to have another reading soon! If you have never tried a reading for your pet I highly recommend Keiko, she truly is an angel - she even read me and was spot on! Keiko is the best and came highly recommended!"
ー L.N ー

“Keiko did amazing, and I am so glad she got to meet my sweet boy Eddie! She got his personality, and mine perfectly. I knew she was tuned in to us both! The comfort to know Eddie is always by my side will forever be with me and is so dear to know! She is truly blessed with such a gift, Thank you Keiko!!!”
ー S.S ー
Keiko connected well with my cat, Breeze. She was able grasp his personality perfectly so I knew she was tuned in. The communication on a soul level between her and Breeze was very enlightening and helped me understand my kitty's needs much better, so that going forward, I hopefully will be able to give him what he needs and curtail his needy behavior.
ー C.U. ー

I was going through some things and Keiko was on point with card reading. She was very kind and caring. She tried to help me the best she could with the information she read.
ー S.G. ー
Keiko is really friendly and warm. She has great perception and is able to reveal my innermost feelings.
I feel much better knowing my pet is OK and watching over me.
I felt comforted knowing that Keiko gave me so much peace.
ー L.N. ー
Keiko was extremely nice and professional. I was surprised she knew some things about Fufu that was not given to her. She helped my husband and I have closure for Fufu's passing.
— D.V. —
Keiko was very easy to work with, as she tuned in to myself and my dog her insights were spot on.
She obviously has a deep and knowledgeable connection with animals and how they function in a realm most of us cannot reach.
Besides answering the questions I had, I was pleasantly surprised to hear her intuit the soul contract that my dog and I share.
She is very professional; I like hearing back very soon after an email or phone call, it makes a difference.
— S.H. —
“I have spoken to many animal communicators, but never connected to one, the way I connected to Keiko. She has a beautiful and light energy, that immediately sets you at ease. It was clear to me, from what she communicated, that she was truly speaking with my beloved pet, that had recently transitioned. My reading left me feeling lighter and moved me closer to accepting her sudden death. Thank you again, Keiko.”
— A.H. —
"Keiko's session was full of light and love. I was so deeply touched. She connected with me and my puppy on energy, vibration, every dimension level. Her reading was accurate and true. She is very gifted. I am grateful and I will cherish the messages I received through Keiko forever. I am looking forward to our next session. Thank you!"
— Yoko Snyder — (Lake Tahoe, USA)
I’m so glad I found Keiko because she is not just an animal communicator. I learned that animals come to our life for a purpose, and to help us grow. After speaking with her and applied her teachings through my animal babies, more positive things and clarity had shown in my life and I see more clearly in my life path, and roads are opening my way. Thank you Keiko :)
— S.C. —
I’ve carried a lot of guilt and regret about one of my cats. After just one session with Keiko, I have a whole new perspective and actually feel enthusiastic about life again. I’m also sleeping better than I have in years. Keiko was sincere, spot on, and genuine. She offered some remarkable insights that have made a big difference in life. I’m lucky to have found her and very appreciative.
— E.G. —

For general comments and inquiries, please get in touch with me with the form below or e-mail me at