My recent client testimonial for Soul Level Animal communication®.
My recent client testimonial for Soul Level Animal communication®.
After the reading, I was curious why you said that Archer showed you repeatedly that he was touching his face. So, I checked his mouth and I found, what looks like, another cancerous growth. We didn't know about this growth as you can't see it from the outside. This is extremely helpful to know. I also appreciate the things you said that Archer is here to teach me. These themes are very present for me right now and maybe this is why he knows he can leave now. Thank you so much. It has been a very insightful reading.
And, I think, at the beginning when things didn't quite make sense, maybe some of our other pets jumped in as we have two dogs and four cats right now. One of them sounded like our other dog Sheldon, and the white long fur could have been our cat Quince. Who knows.
Thank you again
ー C.F. ー
