Are you asking help from angels?
A happy new year!
I’m Keiko. I’m a soul level animal communicator®.
Did you have a peaceful New year?
I feel peaceful now.
On the morning of Christmas eve,
it had been really cold, and I woke up with the strange noise. It was coming from the laundry room. When I opened the door, there was about 10cm of water on the floor.
It was the holiday season, so calling a plumber was not easy. Adding more, they don't usually come to my town because it's just too far away. I ended up calling more than 10 plumbers with no avail.
I experienced life without water.
This shocking news was overwhelming for my little mind. Forget about Christmas, I didn't feel like doing anything, I stayed in bed the whole day.
I prayed in bed. Asking for help from angels, that the water will come back on as soon as possible, and I can live my life as usual.

It was a Christmas day, the second day without water.
Fortunately, it rained really hard.
I filled buckets and poured them in the bathtub to use it for the bathroom.
I thought about the bottled water that people are given in disasters.
That water is not only for drinking but also washing something, brushing teeth, etc...
I finally understood it.
Luckily, I had enough bottled water in the house.
The third day without water, it was boxing day.
My talkative husband talked to the neighbor and he came over and fixed it for us. The problem was solved way quicker than I thought.
I couldn't believe it.
I must have such a powerful guardian angel.
But when things I wanted became reality so quick, for a second, I started to think, it looks fixed but something bad will happen later. This is a bad habit for being human.
So far so good.
I know that an angel helped me without doubt.
But it was also because of my talkative husband.
So, I thanked that beings that I can not see, and I thanked that being that I can see. (my husband)
If I was by myself, the ending would be much different.
Are you asking help from angels?
Love and Peace