How is this pandemic affecting you?
Hi. Everyone. I’m Keiko. I’m a soul level animal communicator®. I am Earthing with Tara while writing my blog.
Happy face.
April has gone so fast. I live in Canada and July. 1st is Canada Day, it's like the 4th of July, in the States. The government is saying that we will celebrate this day online. The Holistic online summit that I joined in April has the fair at a physical address every month. But because of the COVID-19, the organizer made it online, and unfortunately, the fair which we can physically attend won't be happening until September. I really like this fair that I joined online, and I like the organizer, the vendors and clients. I feel comfortable being in the energy of all these people. I strongly feel people in this community bring us together as a whole. I'm so grateful to be part of this, and I appreciate every single person I encounter here. With this COVID-19, we would re-think things that we take for granted, and because we have free time now, we need to ask ourselves what is important, what do we really need. I am constantly thinking about this too. What can I do now? How can I let people know about Animal Communication? I opened the YouTube channel in February, and I did the Soul Level Animal Communication Reading in Japanese. I did the English one in March. April was over with the Online Summit. So, I'm thinking about doing something on YouTube in May, something short and fun. I know my speed is just like a snail, but I am going forward one step at a time! Love and Peace Keiko